Thursday, May 19, 2011

Farewell Pat/Rick/Patrick

Since we are leaving town, today was Patrick's last day of school. Here are some of the thank you notes he received from his third graders:

Dear Patrick,
Thank you for coming with us on the walk to Elephant rock. I realy enjoyed learning about all of the little critters in the tide pools and on land.
Sincerely, Megan

Dear Patrick,
Thank you for helping us. Like helping me with my math. You're very helpfull. You're very good helping Kyle.

Dear Rick,
Thanks for helping us this year. You were alot of help. Thanks for buy my brownies for mine socity.
Your friend,

Dear Pat,
Thank you for solving my problems and playing hockey with me and Kyle. Thanks for teaching me to mak paper turtles and cranes. Thanks for playing soccer too with us (Ryan, me, Kyle, fireweed). It was cool when you flipped the soccer ball in the air and kicked and deflected off of me and in the goal. That hurts still.
P.S. Your cool.

Just a few comments...
1. For the most part, third grade girls call Patrick "Rick" and boys call him "Pat."
2. Patrick bought brownies from a kid and I never saw them.
3. Patrick exerted whatever effort necessary to ensure that he or his team won in athletics on recess.
4. Patrick is very amazing with children and they love him.


  1. Oh, those were so sweet. I love the one that said it still hurt!!!

  2. what kinda brownies are these kids selling? i mean, it IS homer...
