Monday, February 7, 2011


Things have been super busy in our world. In the midst of me traveling for the past week for work and Patrick getting settled in his new job, we got TONS of snow. We had a busy weekend full of snowshoeing, snowboarding and superbowl watching. Pictures coming soon.Below is Seward, where I spent part of my week last week (photo was clearly taken in the summer). This week we are headed to Juneau. It is legislative session, so I have to work for a day, but Patrick is coming along and we are staying a couple of extra days to explore. Neither of us have been before-we love seeing new parts of our gigantic state.

Lastly, we got a wii. I don't think either of us have owned a game system since Super Nintendo. I will proudly say that we quickly beat Super Mario Brothers Wii, but are having to take a break to give some respite to our thumbs.